Raising Awareness for Sustainability Within the Festival Community!

Sadhana USA presents the Sustain Art & Music Festival, a boutique festival designed to raise money for our nonprofit while also raising awareness for sustainability within the festival community.   Our 3rd Annual event will be held at the Elk Ridge Ranch near French Lick IN on May 16th and 17th and features 14+ bands entertaining us with the best in Progressive Bluegrass and Americana style music.  In addition to live music, the festival will showcase gifted artisans, local, sustainably sourced food as well as events and services designed to restore and inform us all.  

Thank you for visiting our website. Take a look around to see the layout of the festival grounds, including; live elk, a natural amphitheater and stage, three unique bar areas (one of which is a log cabin built in 1865), and more!  Also, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube @SustainFestivals to stay up to date and engage with our community before even arriving in May. 

This festival is a 100 percent volunteer driven event, contact us for opportunities to use your talents to serve the artists, musicians, facilities and fans that make the festival experience so special. We will always be an intentionally small festival, which allows us to get to know one another, raise awareness for sustainability and have our spirits uplifted by amazing musicians and artisans!  We hope you can join us as we start this journey to continuously improve the festival experience. 

Kyle Ochs

Sadhana USA - Founder

Sustain Festivals - Director

“I have been a lifelong entrepreneur.  I had a paper route as a boy, designed and sold TShirts in college and have started multiple businesses since graduating from Butler University.  Like others, I suffered tremendous financial and personal loss after the recession of 2008.  Through extensive soul searching, I embarked on a new personal and professional path.  In 2010, I wrote the audacious, “change the world”, business plan for Sadhana USA on my Blackberry while living in an RV, parked in a lot owned by the company I was consulting with.  I had no money and no experience in the nonprofit world.  However, what I did have was a passion for coaching and teaching and nothing more to lose.  After more than a decade, Sadhana USA is smaller than I would have thought (we are still an all volunteer organization) but continues to find ways to nurture the body, mind and spirit of our youth.  

In an effort to improve our fundraising capabilities and to raise awareness for causes that we feel passionate about, we began hosting events.  In December of 2019 we hosted the first annual Casey Ochs Memorial Football Tournament where we raise money but also raise awareness for teen mental health.  In May of 2023 we will host the first Sustain Art & Music Festival that is also designed to raise money while raising awareness for sustainability within the festival community.  

Sadhana USA is an eastern sanskrit term that means a life's journey toward the best version of yourself.  I am still on this journey!  A journey to be the best; partner, sibling, father, friend, leader, coach, professor, philanthropist, writer, entrepreneur, board member, consultant, advocate and human I can be.  To help me stay focused on my journey, I have developed a personal credo to serve as a “North Star” for me; 

Chase Mastery...Excellence is Acquired

Chase Significance...Success is Bestowed

Chase Love...Happiness is Manifested  

Come to our festival or a concert series event. I would love to meet you!  Support our Purpose! Help us Learn and Connect with artists and fans that will inspire and support us all! If I can ever do anything to lighten your load or clear your path, let me know!  We are all in this together!”



Kyle.Ochs at SustainFestivals.org